IT Managed IT Technology

Top-Rated Cybersecurity and I.T. Company in Hendersonville

  • by Donnie Evans

Why your Business Needs to Hire the Top-Rated IT Company for CyberSecurity

Cybersecurity is more important than ever before when it comes to keeping your business safe from hackers and other online threats. Cybercrime is surging to an all-time high, with 2020 seeing more phishing attempts, virus threats and malware attacks than ever before. INETCO, an IT company in Hendersonville, TN, has previously shared that global phishing attempts increased more than 6,000-percent during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the average ransomware payments have gone from just over $10,000 to closer to $250,000 in under two years.

When the stakes are this high, it’s absolutely essential that businesses hire the right IT agency to manage cybersecurity. 

Cybersecurity Can’t Wait

Unfortunately, some businesses assume that cybercrime like phishing scams will not hit them until well … they do. 

John Miser, vCIO of INETCO, said: “Customers and clients sometimes don’t put a high importance on security until it is too late and an event has occurred. And we’ve seen when clients don’t protect their networks properly or selectively provide patchwork security solutions, bad situations occur, data loss occurs and ultimately, sometimes businesses fail.” 

That’s why every organization, especially small- and medium-sized companies, must put simple strategies in place including technology and employee training on cybersecurity threats. 

When you hire INETCO, Hendersonville’s top-rated cybersecurity and IT company, you can be confident that your systems and data will be protected because we take a proactive approach in preventing cybercrime from attacking our clients.

INETCO Provides Top-rated Cybersecurity Support

By working with Hendersonville’s IT agency INETCO, organizations gain access to easy-to-use technologies that mitigate and limit their exposure to cyberthreats. INETCO specializes in security solutions and data backup solutions that work for small and medium-sized businesses. We partner with leaders in the industry to provide comprehensive backup data recovery as well as proactive security plans and protections. 

With our technology solutions, we monitor and protect businesses 24/7/365. Plus, we provide training to help users spot and ultimately not fall victim to phishing or malware attempts. 

INETCO becomes your IT partner and provides network set-up for businesses, along with a comprehensive cyber security plan to mitigate and monitor threats, while also training your employees to recognize common red flags in phish emails and malware attacks. 

We’ve helped clients restore lost data after malware attacks, but we much prefer to work with our clients proactively to ensure they don’t experience cybercrime in the first place. 

A comprehensive security and backup data recovery solution are very important for your business. We can’t always recover lost data…that’s why it’s so important for businesses to get this right. Please reach out to INETCO and let us help you with data security and backup solutions.

Contact us by clicking the orange button in the upper right hand corer so we can put together a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy for your organization: (615) 846-7777. 


We’re an IT company in Hendersonville, Tennessee, who specializes in providing managed IT services for a small business. We provide network set-up for businesses, proactive monitoring and systems support, IT strategy, and more. We’re proud to be Hendersonville’s IT agency.